We understand shopper behaviour and help you to determine the crucial interaction points along the shopper journey.
We calculate the ROI of measures (offline / online) based on facts and figures.
We effectively manage in-store execution in promotions with a KPI system.
We combine KAM and SF capabilities to get the best out of it.
We create innovative breakthrough concepts.
We calculate the optimal promotion price with simulation techniques.
We find the optimal promotion frequency that matches price positioning.
We motivate trade partners with financial and conceptual incentives for selling at the optimal price.
We derive the optimal time, type of offer and measures.
We motivate for optimal visibility at all hotspots in the store.
We monitor the implementation to find the value destroyers.
We find the path-to-purchase of multioptional shopper behaviour.
We decode the information, decision and purchasing behaviour of your shoppers in detail.
We develop omnichannel strategies.